As we head into our cooler months down in Marco Island, we start to see a temperature drop in the water. This is a good time for many reasons especially for those big snappers. We start to see many mangroves and yellowtail work their way out to some bottom we fish in 100-120ft of water. You may not know but snapper is practically the only fish we can keep till January 1st. Red Grouper is closed again for the remaining of the year. Which is tough because when we get this cooler water temps, the Mangroves, Yellowtail, and Mutton's snappers hold on the same bottom as these red groupers. Which make an awesome day to be able to drop down and have no idea what may bite the hook next. Now most of the time we do catch our limit of red grouper first than target either snapper, cobia, or kingfish depending on if these fish are around. A lot of times in the cooler months these cobias are all over structure and wrecks same as the snapper. Above is a picture of a nice mutton snapper caught out fishing in 85ft of water

This snapper was actually caught on a cut bait freelining to the bottom. Mutton snapper is a very smart fish, you have to have a good technique while fishing for these snappers. They are a strong fish also, once hooked he is going straight for any structure or ledge to cut the line or rock you up.